- Fundamentals of transmission lines
- Controlled impedance design and simulation
- Multi-layered stackup design
- TDR test methodology
- IST design test methodology
- High speed design and test methodology
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Training & Consulting Services
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Polar UK: Si9000e PCB transmission line modeling
With its fast, accurate, frequency-dependent transmission line modeling, the Si9000e is designed to model transmission line loss, impedance at given frequencies and extract full transmission line parameters over a wide range of popular PCB transmission lines (over 100 structures). The Si9000e extracts RLGC matrices and rapidly plots a range of transmission line information for the structure you are designing. Loss is graphed three ways with clear indication of dielectric, copper and total loss and from 2017 includes Hammerstad, Groisse and Huray methods for roughness modeling.
Main Features
Si9000e options
Dr. Eric Bogatin
Dr. Eric Bogatin received his BS degree in physics from MIT, and MS and PhD degrees in physics from the University of Arizona in Tucson . He has held senior engineering and management positions at Bell Labs, Raychem, Sun Microsystems, Ansoft, and Interconnect Devices. Eric has written five books on signal integrity and interconnect design and over 300 papers. He has taught over 4,000 engineers in the last 25 years. His sixth book is a science fiction novel, Shadow Engineer, available on Amazon.com. Eric is currently a signal integrity evangelist with Bogatin Enterprises, which specializes in signal integrity training and education. He is a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE EMC society and lectures world wide on signal integrity topics.
Bogatin Enterprises is now a wholly owned subsidiary of LeCroy Corportion USA., who are world's leading solution provider for high performance measurement and analysis tools.
Find out more here.
Public Classes & Customised In-House Training Programs
Polar Asia Pac in collaboration with Bogatin Enterprises LLC, USA can offer a comprehensive range of public classes and customised in-house training courses and programs to specifically suit your organisations human resources technical training needs.
Contact us for more details.
AGCD: Advanced Gigabit Channel Design
This 2-day, advanced training class will bring you "up to speed" on how to design the physical interconnects of your channel to improve signal quality and achieve the bit rate you need. We eliminate the myth-conceptions that dominate the industry and show you the right way of designing differential that operate over 15 Gbps.
SPSI: S Parameters for SI
This two-day class, designed and offered by Signal Integrity Evangelist Dr. Eric Bogatin, shows you how to unlock the power of S-Parameters for signal integrity applications. This class enables you to tap into the secrets locked inside S-Parameters and walks through the details of interpreting the measured or simulated results of 1-port, 2-port, or 4-port S-Parameters as single ended, differential in the frequency domain and the time domain.
Probe Ranger Workstations
The movable and fixed rail systems allows for full coverage of panels and modules with the help of a number of independent probe positioners. The probe positioner is able to hold the FastProbeTM 12GHz probes and also the SteadyProbeTM scope probe holders and other dc and high frequency probes. Each positioner is equipped with a dedicated microscope camera that is independently adjustable to view contacts or inspect circuit board assemblies. Available in following models to suit your test requirement :
Probe Ranger 1200 : Base - 12 x 12 inch (304 x 304 mm), Probing Area - 10 x 12 inch (253 x 304 mm)
Probe Ranger 1800 : Base - 18 x 24 inch (457 x 610 mm), Probing Area - 16 x 24 inch (405 x 610 mm) or 18 x 22 inch (380 x 558 mm)
PDN: Power Delivery Networks
This one-day class shows you how to design power distribution networks including board stack up, capacitor selection and mounting design. There are many myths associated with power integrity: just use 3 capacitors per pin, use as large a capacitor value as you can, stack capacitors on top of each other to get them closer to the device, or use short surface traces from the capacitor to the power pin. The way to separate myth from reality is by putting in the numbers. A key feature of this class is illustrating how to apply analysis tools such as rules of thumb, approximations, SPICE and 3D field solvers to provide guidance in achieving first time success. More..
SIMBEOR: 3D Electromagnetic Signal Integrity Software
Simberian Inc., USA offers SIMBEOR a 3D electromagnetic signal integrity tool for simulating and analysing the entire interconnect link. It offers an industry first measurement-validated tool to synthesis controlled impedance geometry for transmission lines and vai-holes, to build advanced electromagnetic models for all elements of PCB and packaging interconnects and to simulate a complete data link in frequency and time domains. The accuracy of the models is ensured by use of advanced algorithms for 3D full wave analysis, benchmarking and experimental validation. It fits any design flow as system interconnect budget exploration tool, interconnect verification tool or a Touchstone model clean up and macro-moedlling tool for automatic S parameter extraction.
Uses of Simbeor:
XPEEDIC: Suite of high speed SI Solutions
High Speed communication link designs are becoming ever more challenging. The fast pace development of semiconductor and IC technology combined with the ever increasing data rates have added to the challenge. Xpeedic’s High Speed SI solutions provide a fast and accurate way to model and simulate the discontinuities along the path and optimize channel performance.
SnPExpert – SnpExpert provides a quick way to understand the electrical characteristics of the passive interconnectors in a system by not only viewing the S-parameter in frequency domain but also examining them in time domain (TDR).
ChannelExpert – ChannelExpert provides a fast and accurate way to address the signal integrity issues arising from cascaded network of S-parameter blocks and TML models. It’s frequency domain cascading technology and 2D-RLCG full wave transmission line solver enables quick and accurate channel simulation.
ViaExpert – ViaExpert provides a fast and accurate way to simulate via structures for both pre-layout and post-layout scenarios. The built-in connector footprint database allow users to quickly assemble the via model with connector footprint, breakout region trace, for a given stackup.
Polar UK: ATLAS - PCB Insertion Loss measurement system
ATtenuation Loss Analysis System is new test solution for PCB fabricators to test PCB transmission line insertion losses in a tightly controlled production environment. ATLAS 2013 now includes a dedicated intelligent ESD protection unit, new ergonomic probe housing and updated version 13.04 sofware with a raft of new feature enhancements. ATLAS 13.04 software interfaces with industry standard Tektronix DSA8300 oscilloscope TDRs and supports INTEL developed SET2DIL (Single Ended TDR to Differential Insertion Loss) and SET2SEIL (Single ended TDR to Single Ended Insertion Loss) test methodology for extraction of differential insertion loss from a single ended test and suitably designed coupon. Atlas 2013 is compatible and upgradeable to IBM developed SPP (Short Pulse Propagation) test methodology which will be released soon. Also available as ATLAS PCB for performing industry standard CITS style controlled impedance testing using Tektronix TDRs.
ATLAS - Atlas Software with HF Probes and Loss Test Standard
Download Brochure
C Gen Plus—Auto Coupon Generator for SET2DIL Lossy Coupons.
Download Brochure
Ransom Stephens
Dr. Ransom Stephens, Ph.D. is the author of over three hundred articles in the electronics industry, science journals and magazines on subjects ranging from the analysis of electrodynamics in high rate digital systems to fiber optics to quantum physics. As a research physicist and professor, he worked on experiments at universities and laboratories across the US and Europe making precise measurements of messy signals.
After being awarded tenure, he shifted to private enterprise where his expertise in signal integrity analysis of electrical and fiber optic systems. Led to new jitter measurement techniques and methods for extracting signals from noise. He has served on the electrical working groups for several high data rate standards including PCIe and OIF CEI. Ransom is an entertaining teacher with a legendary reputation for delivering a clear understanding of complex topics.
Find out more here.
Alfred P. Neves
Al has 30 years of experience designing and application development of semiconductor products, capitol equipment design focused on jitter and signal integrity analysis, and recently has successfully been involved with numerous business developments and startup activity for the last 13 years. Al is involved with the Signal Integrity community as a consultant, high-speed system level design manager and engineer. Recent technical accomplishments include development of platforms and methods to improve 3D electromagnetic correspondence to measure-based methods, including advancing time and frequency domain calibration methods.
Al focuses on measure-based model development, package characterization, high-speed board design, low jitter design, analysis, and training. He earned a B.S. in Applied Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts. He can be reached at al@wildrivertech.com
Find out more here.
Polar UK: Atlas Si VNA PCB Insertion Loss measurement system
Atlas for Anritsu VNA is compliant with IPC TM650 (Test Methods to determine the Amount of Signal Loss on Printed Boards) and provides support for Delta-L methodology.
Atlas Si is a high precision insertion loss measurement package designed specifically for PCB fabricators and OEMs. It provides accurate, repeatable measurements of frequency-based transmission line losses, allowing fabricators to meet stringent targets that maintain signal integrity within the limits of the latest high-speed chipsets.
Polar has partnered Anritsu for integrating their Anritsu ShockLine™ 4-Port Performance VNA (vector network analyzers) with Atlas. Anritsu ShockLine™ 4-Port Performance VNAs achieve a new level of capability, flexibility, and value for RF and microwave network analysis applications delivering excellent performance for measurements from 50 kHz up to 43.5 GHz. These instruments are ideal for testing passive and many active components with general purpose VNA requirements. The ShockLine family employs advanced Anritsu technology and design expertise to attain outstanding dynamic range, calibration and measurement stability, and speed performance in efficiently packaged, compact, and robust VNA instruments.
Anritsu ShockLine™ 4-Port Performance VNA Key Features and Benefits
Download Brochure
Note: Anritsu Corp., USA are the sole owners of following trade marks for ShockLine™, AutoCal™, SmartCal™ and Extended-KTM
Hermann Ruckerbauer
Mr. Ruckerbauer has over twenty years of experience in high speed measurement and simulation especially on DRAM related interfaces. After receiving his Bachelor Degree in Micro System Technology from the University of Applied Science in Regensburg he was doing design analysis and application testing for several memory generations at Siemens/Infineon.
He holds many patents and was awarded in the category 'Outstanding Single Patent' for the patent on the “Temperature dependent Self Refresh” in DDR Memory devices from Infineon in 2005.
Find out more here.
POLAR GMBH: DVS550 – Automated Design Verification System
The DVS550 is an automated prober for measurements replacing the previously time-consuming procedure carried out manually. A highly flexible, low loss coaxial cable feeds the signal at the probe tip to a variety of test and measurement equipment such as High-Speed Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers or Time Domain Reflectometers. It has options to control external hardware via USB, Ethernet, GPIB, RS232.
The DVS550 can test and document measurements on hundreds of nets in less than a few hours while manual measurements would take weeks of valuable engineering time. The DVS550 System has been designed for measuring signal frequencies into the GHz range using custom designed coaxial probing technology contrasting significantly conventional Flying Probe Systems with a focus on detecting typical manufacturing faults.
Polar UK: Atlas Si – PCB insertion loss testing for PCB fabricators and Si engineers
Polar Atlas software enables PCB fabricators to test PCB transmission line losses in a tightly controlled production environment. Atlas employs mathematical processing techniques* to extract frequency dependent loss characteristics when used in conjunction with suitably designed test coupons and Atlas precision GHz probe assemblies.
Atlas packages interface either with industry standard Tektronix DSA8300 or DSA8200 oscilloscope TDRs. Fabricators can choose to add Atlas to their existing Tek DSA or alternatively Polar can supply a turnkey package.
Atlas supports multiple test methods including Delta-L, Delta-L 3 Line, SET2DIL (Single-Ended TDR to Differential Insertion Loss) for extraction of differential insertion loss and effective Er from a single ended test and suitably designed coupon, SET2SEIL method (Single-Ended TDR to Single-Ended Insertion Loss) for single ended insertion loss testing and SPP (Short Pulse Propagation) methods as called for in IPC-TM-650
Main Features
UCAMCO: HyperTool – Scripting Solutions for UCAMCO’s CAM tools
HyperTool is UCAMCO's ground-breaking advanced customization resource for UcamX. HyperTool Scripts are a plugin to Ucam software. These scripts are compatible to any UCAM versions. Scripts have customizable UI and features and load the data on the CAM tools which makes the data preparation work easy as less time is consumed by eliminating user interventions.
SENJATEC a company with HQ in Singapore is a third-party CAM services solution provider, who with their extensive knowledge and expertise in CAM related processes has created specific suites of scripts to cater to different needs for automating the CAM processes for PCB manufacturing.
SENJATEC offers custom tailored scripts which can be categorized into following groups
Main Benefits of HyperTools
POLAR GMBH: GRS550 – PCB Graphical Repair System
GRS550 is designed as a repair test system, to assist in repair and recovery of expensive boards with hard to find faults which otherwise would end up being scrapped.
The GRS550 relies on the principle of nodal impedance analysis, also known as VI-trace. The board under test is unpowered, while the test probe applies a current limited AC voltage on all circuit nodes. The specific nodal impedance of each net is displayed and compared with a previously stored reference.
Designed from the outset for long life, flexibility and low cost of ownership, the GRS550 will help reduce service and repair costs over years and is suitable for use on a wide variety of PCBs. Customers stand to benefit most if they can answer yes to more than 2 of the following criteria:
Ucamo: UcamX Pro+ - Computer Aided Manufacturing Design
UcamX Pro+ is Ucamco’s latest generation of CAM software for the Rigid, Flex and HDI PCB manufacturing industries. It takes advantage of modern-day multicore and 64 bit workstation technology to set new standards in performance and throughput, and comes with a clever and highly intuitive new user interface that adapts itself functionality-wise as a job progresses through the CAM workflow.
It captures not just layout data but also netlist information, customer specifications, mechanical drawings and manufacturing rules in a single smart engineering database. UcamX Pro+ deploys powerful automatic security tools to detect accidental operator errors. UCamX Pro+ outputs fully-automated machine-optimized tooling for all industry-standard electrical testers and AOI systems, photo plotters, drilling and routing equipment and direct imagers. It is delivered ready-automated with built-in dynamic functionality for a fast roll-out and a fully customized smart workflow. Labor-saving functions include automated board structuring, netlist and test-point generation without manual intervention, & dynamic yield-driven auto-panelization.
Main Features
Polar UK: Si8000m Lossless PCB Controlled Impedance Field Solver
The Si8000m is a boundary element method field solver that builds on the familiar easy to use user interface in earlier Polar impedance design systems. The Si8000m adds enhanced modelling to predict the finished impedance of multiple dielectric PCB builds and takes into account the local variations in dielectric constant on close spaced differential structures. The Si8000m assumes negligible insertion loss in the transmission line. The Si8000m field solving impedance design system offers advanced field solving methods to model most circuit designs and is totally complementary to the CITS880s and RITS550/880 manual and automatic Controlled Impedance Test Systems.
Main Features
Si8000m options
Polar UK: Speedstack Si – Stackup design for impedance & insertion loss controlled PCBs
Speedstack Si insertion loss controlled PCB stackup design tool is made for a designer, fabricator or PCB technologist who needs to manage PCB stackups with both impedance and insertion loss control. In addition to incorporating insertion loss field solver capability, Speedstack Si allows rapid import and export of insertion loss projects into the Si9000e insertion loss field solver so you can analyze the stack up design in detail.
Speedstack Si delivers rich reporting capability and not only generates the stackup material data but also graphs predicted insertion loss characteristics – including industry standard modeling for roughness using Hammerstad, Groisse and Cannonball-Huray methods.
Polar UK: CITS880s - Controlled Impedance Test System
CITS880s system is the 9th generation impedance test system from Polar Instruments Ltd, UK. It is a solution for fabricators who need to measure impedance on fine traces and thin copper. CITS880s features Launch Point Extrapolation (LPE) that extrapolates the TDR response to a point close to the start of the transmission line effectively aloowing users to measure the instantaneous or incident impedance of the line more acccurately.
In addition to the LPE the CITS880s is also capable of measuring shorter traces - typically 2-3 inches shorter than previous generation of the CITS series. CITS880s now ships with completely re-engineered IPS and IPDS high speed probes whcih reassuringly are precision moulded with ESD dissipative materials to give maximum protection to your CITS.
Polar IPS and IPDS high speed probes are specifically desgined for CITS880s. They combine revised internals with more robust mechanical design and enhancements to the signal path, along with ergonomic precision mouldings in 100% ESD dissipative materials. IPS and IPDS probes are easily identified and contrast with previous generation probes by the use of the blue labels and blue resists on the probe tip interface.
Click here to see what's new in the CITS880s.
Polar UK: Toneohm T-950 Shorts Locator
Polar's world famousToneohm 950 helps to identify different types of shorts on a loaded / bare circuit boards. It’s unique Vector Plane Stimulus (VPS) technique enables to identify plane to plane or track to plane shorts in quick time. Toneohm 950 is widely used in the PCB repair, troubleshooting and manufacturing industry for short location.
Ucamco: Multi Job Panelizer (MJP)
Multi Job Panelizer is a stand-alone software application to combine different single PCBs into high-yield production panels. It optimizes base material utilization while minimizing the number of different panel layouts and production batches entering the shop floor. Its modular concept and scalability make it the perfect tool for interactive as well as for 24/7 fully automated and unattended use. Multi Job Panelizer blends in naturally with any existing CAM environment, whether from Ucamco-or from a third-party software supplier.
As an interactive tool, Multi Job Panelizer features an easy-to-use PCB placement interface, with neatly designed and intuitive function buttons, backed up by pleasant keyboard shortcuts. Various plug-ins for real-time panel analysis and optimization provide visual feedback during operation and guarantee unparalleled throughput and efficiency during the manual layout of a multi job production panel.
Polar UK: Speedstack PCB – PCB stackup / Impedance field solver package
Speedstack PCB stackup design tool is a packaged combination of the Si8000m field solving impedance calculator and the Speedstack professional layer PCB stackup design system. It allows both impedance calculation and layer stackup/build up documentation.
For PCB fabricators, Speedstack PCB interfaces with the industry standard Polar Si8000m PCB Controlled Impedance Field Solver. It includes a link and license for Polar’s Si8000m, using the proven Polar Si8000m multiple dielectric boundary element field solver to provide the impedance data for the stack.
Ideal for both rigid and flex-rigid stackups
Speedstack PCB allows OEM designers to create accurate and efficient rigid and flex-rigid PCB stackups in just a few minutes, with error-free documentation for tighter control over the finished board. For PCB fabricators, Speedstack PCB provides the flexibility to quickly calculate the impact of substituting alternative materials to improve manufacturability and reduce cost while maintaining the specified parameters and performance of the board. The Navigator provides a clear contextual view of the rigid and flexible stacks within a flex-rigid build and allows easy alignment of displayed materials between stacks.
Speedstack PCB can be used when modelling and documenting mesh/crosshatch ground. Structure data and mesh geometry can be readily shared between Speedstack and the field solver. The associated technical report also supports different materials on the same dielectric layer, improving the clarity of documentation between the stackup designer and fabricator.
PWB: IST HC- Interconnect Stress Test System
Interconnect Stress Test or IST is an accelerated stress test method developed by PWB Interconnect Solutions Inc., Canada that overcomes the limitations of thermal oven or liquid / liquid test methods. It has the capability of effectively and rapidly quantifying the integrity of different types of vias including microvias. IST creates a uniform strain from within the substrate and the interconnects ability to distribute and redistribute this strain provides an indication of integrity. The plated barrels and inner layer junctions are “exercised” until the initial failure mode / mechanism is uncovered.
The IST HC uses IST technology to electrically cycle test coupons to determine the reliability of a product. In addition to supporting IPC Test Method 2.6.26, the latest IST HC now supports IPC Test Method 2.6.27 to simulate Lead Free Solder assembly. The IST HC can simulate both the reflow oven and assembly rework station temperature profiles to subject the test coupon to the same temperature excursions as experienced by actual printed circuit board during assembly process.
IST has become the leading test standard for via and material reliability. Top OEMs, ODMs, CDMs, PCB material and PCB manufacturers around the world use IST technology to test new via / interconnect technologies, materials and processes.
The test system incorporates custom designed power supply and high precision measurement systems which are interfaced to a user-friendly application software, that automatically measures, records, analyzes data with displays and reports that simplify the understanding of the reliability of a custom designed test vehicle / coupon that represents the actual product.
Download IPC-TM-650 Test Method
CAF (Conductive Anodic Filament) tester
CAF is a fully automated bench top CAF measurement equipment with RH control, temperature control, V Bias control, custom profiles and remote reporting.
DELAM - Dielectric Estimation and Laminate Analysis Measurement System
DELAM automatically measures and analyzes changes in material properties that signify whether damage was caused by exposure to the elevated temperatures associated with component assembly and possible reworks
Ucamo: YELO - Yield Enhancing Layout Optimizer
YELO can automatically adjust a layout for easier manufacturability. It can modify layouts like rearranging track bundles, shaving pads or reducing copper areas manually, cut down your CAM resources by hours. This offers the possibility to use different materials, shorten delivery times or make the PCB’s more reliable.
Main Features
Polar UK: Speedstack Flex – flex-rigid PCB stackup design and documentation tool
Speedstack Flex flex-rigid PCB stackup design tool allows PCB fabricators and OEM engineers to create and document flex-rigid PCB layer stackups using the Speedstack family of PCB stackup design tools.
It allows OEM designers to create an accurate and efficient flex-rigid PCB stackup in minutes, with error-free documentation for tighter control over the finished board. On the other hand, for PCB fabricators, Speedstack Flex provides the flexibility to quickly calculate the possible impact of substituting alternative materials to improve manufacturability and reduce cost while maintaining the specified parameters and performance of the board.
Main Features
XFE Cross Hatch Flex Enhancement
Polar has produced an alternative approach to modeling crosshatch using a proprietary technique, XFE (Crosshatch Flex Enhancement) this technique uses Polar's 2-D field solvers but uses a unique algorithm to correct for the effects of flex over a wide range of typical controlled impedance structures.
This approach has enabled solvers to model more closely the effects of a wide variety of crosshatch geometries. The XFE option, applicable to both Polar’s Si8000 lossless transmission line impedance solver and to the lossless mode of the Si9000 frequency dependent, lossy transmission line field solvers allows for configuration of hatch pitch (HP) and width (HW) as shown in the above graphic
Main Benefits of XFE
Polar GmbH: RITS550/RITS880 – Automated Impedance Measurement System
RITS 550 automates the industry standard CITS880s (Controlled Impedance Test System) to give fast, repeatable volume testing of coupons and PCBs. The system is controlled via easy to use Windows software. Test set-up is straight forward, results data is automatically logged in accessible formats, and there is the option of a built-in report generator.
Accurate, traceable measurement RITS550 uses proven time domain reflectometry (TDR) techniques to measure the reflection of fast rise-time pulses. High precision reference airlines - traceable to NPL and NIST standards - ensure repeatable measurement accuracy to allow the trace impedances to be controlled.
With test times as fast as fixture-based systems, RITS550 flying probe technology provides unparalleled levels of measurement repeatability, with a lifetime cost of ownership that is just a fraction of a fixture-based system.
RITS880 is a built to order automated impedance measurement system which is larger version of the RITS550. It can incorporate full sized panels and can be equipped with an automatic loader/unloader to provide full automation for impedance testing.
Ucamo: iamcam - Intelligence Aided Manufacturing
Ucamco's iamcam automates PCB front-end tasks and integrates business systems. This cuts the error rate and the need for operator intervention. It is, by all standards, an exceptional answer to the daily challenges of front-end and production professionals who need to increase quality, reduce errors and drive cost out of the processes. It enables unparalleled workflow automation with rock solid quality control.
iamcam is highly scalable and serves as the heart of any size front-end production operation. It can be configured for simple two to four-layer prototype shops, as well as for the most advanced HDI jobs, sequential build, backdrill, flex-rigid.
Main Features
Ucamco: Intergr8tor - Pre-CAM and CAM Engineering
It is Ucamco’s 8th generation sales and engineering tool. It is used for automated data entry and design analysis in a pre-CAM environment through which information can be received quickly and accurately for product engineering and the purpose of generating quotations by the sales/engineering team. it helps the user to manage his time by facilitating in generating complete CAM data at the beginning of the tooling process. INTEGR8TOR automates the routine CAM work, freeing up valuable CAM engineers for value-added tasks. Integr8tor users report up to 30% savings in CAM time and costs.
Main Benefits
Ihara: ACCULINE II - Portable line width and spacing measurement
Ihara Electronics Co. Ltd, Japan presents ACCULINE II a truly portable, light weight, battery operated, digital line width and spacing measurement system. ACCULINE's built in color LCD display allows operators to make quick, accurate and repeatable measurements for top and bottom line width and spacing for fine line single ended and differential controlled impedance traces.
ACCULINE II is a high performance and reliable product which utilizes advanced micro computer technology and color LCD image sensor to ensure superior performance and measurement reliability. It is a battery-operated tool offering a truly portable unit that makes operation easy at any location including dark rooms with low visibility. The large LCD displays real line images that can be transferred to a PC, using a USB port, for further analysis.
Usually operators rely on skill to make measurements using a microscope and this can result in varied results for different operators. ACCULINE's automated measurement algorithm provides accurate and repeatable results in its place.
C.L. Tech: Universal Grid Systems – Open Short Tester (Only in India)
With more than 30 years of experience and knowledge CL Tech offer full range of Universal Grid Systems which allow flexibility in using most of the fixture models and data preparation available on the market. The system's tailor-made electronics provide it mechenical strength, speed and reliability.
Our universal grid machines are available with 2 technologies:
GT20-20 and Valid8 machines use the test board integrated in the test area, while Precise and Micro uses the wire connection toward the test area.
GT20-20 can be equipped with an automatic belt system for loading and unloading that can be installed on site. This allows the machine to reach a productivity up to 1.000 PCB/hour or with an automatic arm system with speed up to 450 PCB/hour. The available testing areas are 12.8” x 11.2” e 16.8” x 12.8” for any mentioned density. Other testing area configuration are available on demand.
Valid8 has maximum test area 19,2″ x 16″, for any density. Inferior and superior active area. It is a system developed for testing large PCB with a high number of test points like back planes, servers boards, mother boards, etc.
Precise is available with any grid step, even on clients request with the maximum test area at 24” x 20” and the number off test points at 48.000 (per test area).
Micro is available with a single or double density grid. The maximum test area is 365mm x 284mm (14,4″ x 11,2″) and the maximum number of test points is 32.256 (for test area).
Polar UK: CGen PCB / CGen Si - PCB impedance and insertion loss coupon generators
CGen Coupon Generator reduces the time-consuming process of creating impedance coupons manually to just a few minutes, adding powerful new features that give coupon generation new levels of control and flexibility.
CGen PCB Coupon Generator is an automatic impedance coupon generator that allows you to create a controlled impedance test coupon from scratch or import finished stacks from Speedstack PCB and Speedstack Si or structures from the Polar Si8000 and Si9000 field solvers.
CGen Si incorporates all the features of CGen PCB and adds insertion loss coupon capability. Please note designs for insertion loss coupons need to be fine-tuned to OEM requirements and final adjustment of launch and via structures may still be required. If in any doubt – please check with your design authority.
Replacing scripted coupon generation
CGen replaces time consuming manual or scripted coupon creation with a simple four-stage process:
Simberian Inc – Simbeor
SIMBEOR is a 3D electromagnetic signal integrity tool for simulating and analyzing the entire interconnect link. It offers an industry-first measurement-validated electromagnetic signal integrity software for the physical design of PCB and packaging interconnects for communication links operating at 6-112 Gb/s and beyond. Simbeor is the one-stop solution for all interconnect budget exploration (advanced stackup planning and pre-layout), design verification (post-layout), dielectric and conductor roughness models identification, and macro-modeling tasks. The accuracy of the models is ensured by the use of advanced algorithms for 3D full-wave analysis, benchmarking, and experimental validation. It fits any design flow as a system interconnect budget exploration tool, interconnect verification tool, or a Touchstone model clean-up and macro-modeling tool for automatic S parameter extraction.
Simbeor Solvers and Algorithms:
Simbeor 3DML™ : Full-wave 3D analysis tool for multi-layered geometries:
Simbeor SFS™ : Unique quasi-static field solver for large t-line cross-sections (any planar cross-section):
Simbeor : Tools and Interfaces:
Board Analyzer™ : Post-layout decompositional electromagnetic analysis
Transmission Line Wizard - Fast synthesis of any single-ended and differential line geometries (strip, microstrip, CPW, CBCPW)
Via Analyzer™ : Fast synthesis of via-holes and launches geometry
Touchstone Analyzer™ : S-parameters plotting, quality assurance, and rational macro-modeling
Geometry Editor : Pre and Post-layout analyses of multi-layered circuits
Linear Network Editor : Draw or edit multiport networks (link path models)
SiTune™ : Material models, geometry and linear network optimization
Board Geometry Translators : ODB++, HyperLynx hyp-file, Allegro brd/mcm, PADS ASCII
Violation Browser™ : Violation viewer for EMSAT rule checker
Eye Analyzer™ : Computation of eye diagram metrics and comparison of eye diagrams
ICN Analyzer™ : Computation of Integrated Crosstalk Noise and a quick comparison with compliance mask
Interactive Graphs : Plot transmission line modal and RLGC(f) parameters, S-parameters, 10G and 25G compliance metrics, TDR/TDT, eye diagram
Batch Mode - Run analysis in batch mode for design automation
Applicable only in Greater China, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.
Ucamco: Photo plotters
UCAMCO offers a range of photo plotters which are renowned for their high accuracy, throughput and reliability. Available in a choice of “drop-in” models for customers who want the highest plot speed, or the finest features (down to 5 micron), or the best all- round combination of speed, resolution and price. With its unique optical system you can plot the tightest tolerance designs with pin sharp quality. Multiple plot resolutions deliver the optimum setting for every image. UCAMCO’s unique imaging functions, syntectic modulation and submicron pixel placement, eliminate the rounding errors found on conventional plots and guarantee optimal line width accuracy. Dynamic beam positioning and the patented stress free film loader ensure an unrivalled geometric accuracy on every plot for perfect side to side registration.
UCAMCO Photo plotter are available in various throughput and fine-line capability models to best suit our customer’s photo tooling production needs.
Phoneix-xP Series
SilverWriter Series
Large and Extra Large Format Series
Xpeedic: ChannelExpert – Channel Exploration
ChannelExpert provides a fast, accurate and easy way to evaluate and analyze pre-layout or post-layout high speed channel with its built-in advanced circuit and EM solver technologies.
It is challenging for digital system designers to simulate a high-speed SERDES channels. There are many different simulation scenarios to cover ranging from pre-layout / post-layout, frequency-domain / time-domain / statistical analysis, compliance check, to TX / RX optimization.
ChannelExpert offers many built-in channel templates to support pre-layout exploration. Parametric S-parameters and transmission line models are supported for easy channel exploration. For post-layout scenario, ChannelExpert can extract the desired channels with or without crosstalk from physical layout with transmission line and 3D via models automatically generated with inbuilt field solvers.
Key Features
C.L. Tech: Flying Probe Tester – Open Short Test (Only in India)
C.L. TECH offers a whole range of Flying Probes, able to meet their clients' needs.
The range of Precise Flying Probe Testers starts from FB2 Plus+ system, a solution for those who want to be careful to their budget without renoucing quality and performance, with XL and XXL version for testing large circuits, up to 1.200mm; the range goes up to FP8, with granite frame to guarantee the highest speed and accuracy, able to test high density circuits with test pad up to a minimum of 38μm (1.5mil)
All the flying probe systems can be perfectly integrated with the universal grid systems, through the TFI function (Test Floor Integration), that allows to take full advantage of the synergies offered by the two products, like for instance combined tests, retests, error checkup, etc.
Screen: Ledia DI – Direct Imaging System
SCREEN Graphic and Precision Solutions Co. Ltd, is the leading manufacturer of Direct Imaging systems from Japan and has over 270 installations globally. LEDIA DI Direct Imaging system delivers field-proven high precision accuracy, reliability and throughput to PCB manufacturers with an estimated 70% market share amongst the largest global PCB manufacturers. LEDIA DI systems are now available in India exclusively through UCAMCO B.V, Belgium and Polar Instruments (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore. These systems are supported by Ucamco & Polar local network of highly skilled sales and support engineers.
3 simultaneous wavelengths
UV-LEDs with three wavelengths are now combined in the Ledia light source. The wave-length range from 350nm to 440nm enabling the energy diffuses optimally throughout the resist layer. The user can set each wavelengths power individually to achieve optimal imaging for resist or solder mask type. The result is high throughput and unrivalled quality that deliver 50µm solder mask dams without any noticeable undercut.
The combination of three wavelengths UV-LED allows different types of resists to be imaged using an optimal output ratio using wavelength modulation. Compared to a standard direct imaging system, the LEDIA enables manufacturers to pursue even higher imaging quality. The system supports cutting-edge technologies, including a high-precision auto-focus function and alignment algorithms that compensate for various types of substrate distortion.
Low operational cost
The adoption of UV-LED technology as a light source results in considerable lower consumable cost compared to conventional laser direct imaging systems. Also the LED’s are only active when physically imaging panels, resulting in an even longer LED life time.
Cost Cutting
Faster Delivery Times
High-Value added Product
Highest productivity for solder mask
UV-LED technology in combination with multi wavelength LEDs delivers high throughput with the highest quality for your solder mask applications. The different wavelengths have peaks in both the absorbed and the transmitted wavelength areas of the spectrum of the solder mask inks. This allows even polymerization at the top as well as the bottom of the solder mask layer, resulting in a fully polymerized layer with optimal adhesion to the substrate.
Xpeedic: ViaExpert – Via Modeling and Simulation
ViaExpert provides a fast and accurate way to model and simulate vias. It allows designers at the pre-layout stage to quickly build via models and check the key signal integrity metrics such as insertion loss, return loss, and crosstalk. It also allows designer to perform post-layout simulation of vias and trace breakout.
To quickly build via models, ViaExpert provides multiple ways including built-in templates, direct layout file import and a combined flow which takes advantage of both the layout trace breakout and built-in templates. ViaExpert deploys two field solver technologies, Finite Element Method (FEM) solver, and the another a hybrid field solver. Both adopt distributed processing and multi-core parallelization, which adds another level of acceleration to model computation.
Key Features
The Colenta NG - PCB Film Processor
The Colenta NG - PCB Film Processor is a fully automatic “dry to dry” processing system designed to provide consistent high-quality film production for the range of PCB films commonly used in the industry. The processor design incorporates a non-opposed, submersed roller transport system with minimal contact to the film emulsion and with intermediate wash water crossovers that safely transfer the film between each stage of processing before delivery onto a flat receiving tray located at the exit of the dryer.
Range of PCB Processor available:
Wide Track PCB Processor range, offering 140 and 200 cm processing width.
Processing capacity: 80cm / min processing capacity @ 40 sec Dev Time.
The NG Processor is available in 35, 56, 66, 80, 95 and 110cm process widths.
Available in NG and NGs formats that offer a choice of production speeds: -
In Offline (manual loading table) or online format (auto loading) to support all major PCB Film Plotters available on the market.
COLENTAMC Chemical mixing, transfer & storage console
The MC is a multipurpose semi-automatic device for accurately mixing chemical concentrates with water, for transferring mixed chemistry into the processor tanks and to store replenishment solutions that connect directly to the processor replenishment pumps without the need for additional storage tanks.
COLENTA Silver recovery system Silverfit 40
An automated system used to recover silver from the waste Fixer solution before disposal or re-use, suitable for NDT, PCB and Medical Imaging applications.
COLENTA Easy Clean cleaning products
A specialized range of liquids designed to help operators keep their processor clean and in good operating condition.
COLENTA water panel assembly
Including filter, flow meter, thermometer and pressure gauge. Supporting 2 water outlets, one to be used for supplying wash/cooling water to the processor and one additional outlet for use during service, cleaning and chemical mixing procedures.
COLENTA PC monitoring software
When installed onto a PC, will allow the processor status and working parameters to be monitored remotely.
Download NG Processor Brochure
Download NG Processor Datasheet
Xpeedic: SnpExpert – S Parameter Exploration
Xpeedic SnpExpert provides a quick way to understand the electrical characteristics of passive interconnectors in a system by viewing the S-parameter in frequency domain and examining the time domain reflectometry (TDR). One-click definition of differential pairs and victim / aggressor setup, together with the built-in NEXT, FEXT, PSXT, ILD, ICR, and ICN, allows user to quickly evaluate the crosstalk.
Key Features
KODAK: PCB Films and Chemicals
KODAK films have been developed exclusively for PCB applications using advanced techniques that came directly out of KODAK's century of image experience. Twenty-five years ago, KODAK invented the nucleated emulsion tchnology that has proven so valuable and effectivein PCB manufacturing and they have continued to improve that technology ever since.
APR7 Film uses the latest Integrated Booster Technology (IBT) processing technology pioneered by KODAK. APR7 Film is specifically designed for PCB photo-tool creation, and pre-conditioned by Kodak in a clean-room environment to make it "ready to use" right out of the box.
AIM7 provides hard, high quality line edges and good dimensional stability. It is suitable for lines and spaces as small as 1 mil and photoplotter resolution settings as high as 12,000 DPI. It has a fast-developing time and excellent resistance to photo abrasion and physical wear.
KODAK Processing Chemicals have been specifically developed and manufactured to meet the most demanding PCB requirements.
ACCUMAX Rapid Access Developer and Replenisher (CAT No. 6620009), has been improved for cleaner-working performance. This high-performance rapid access developer, for use with KODAK ACCUMAX and PRECISION LINE Films, is concentrated and dilutes 1:2 for all applications. Lightweight 5 L plastic bottles are easy to handle for mixing replenisher and filling the processor. Bottles are designed for cleanroom environments used in the PCB applications. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to the highest quality specifications. Bottles are stamped with a 2-year expiration date to ensure consistent quality.
KODAK Rapid Fixer and Replenisher (CAT No. 6620017), has been improved for cleaner-working performance. This high-performance rapid access fixer, for use with KODAK ACCUMAX and PRECISION LINE Films, is concentrated and dilutes 1:3 for all applications. Lightweight 5 L plastic bottles are easy to handle for mixing replenisher and filling the processor. Bottles are designed for cleanroom environments used in the PCB applications. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to the highest quality specifications. Bottles are stamped with a 2-year expiration date to ensure consistent quality.
Xpeedic: TmlExpert – Fast and Accurate TML Modeling and Simulation
TmlExpert is an application which is used to deal with TML modeling and simulation. It provides a fast and convenient method to create TML model, from simulation result check, such as insertion loss, return loss, crosstalk, also allows the designer to do the simulation and tracking processing for the post layout.
TmlExpert has three solver technologies including 2D RLGC, 2.5D MoM and 3D FEM to achieve the best accuracy and convenience and has various templates for transmission-line structures including hatched ground plane and fiber weave
Key Features
Four Corner Alignment Lay-Up
Falcon is equipped with four sets of independently controlled GigE camera modules to perform quadrilateral deformation measurements of each PCB inner layer. The Lay-Up system uses the measurement results as a benchmark to adjust each inner layer to the best centre to achieve an ultra-high-precision layer to layer alignment.
Lay-Up Accuracy: ±15um
The Lay-Up system not only provides high-precision PCB lamination Lay-Up, but also perform inner layer measurement and data collection. With this technology capturing deformation data through 2D measuring equipment with extra procedure is no longer required for panel study and NG panel filtering.
Dual Shuttle Tables Design
All Models of Falcon are equipped with Dual Shuttle Tables, which allows panel lay-up and welding to be processed at the same time allowing high productivity and maximized throughput.
Falcon S: Capacity 3300 Inner Layers Per Day
Falcon X: Capacity 6600 Inner Layers Per Day
Dual Machine Design
Falcon X is equipped with Dual Machine Design with 8 x GigE Industrial Cameras, 8 x High Frequency Electromagnetic Weld Controller, 4 x Shuttle Tables, 2 x Lay-Up Stations and 2 x Weld Stations. This allows one machine with the output of two machines and requiring only one operator.
Lay-Up Speed: 9~11 Seconds Per Layer
Highly Automated System
Falcon series system greatly simplifies the operation required for panel size adjustment and production. This effectively reduce personnel intervention in the production process. The equipment software provides unlimited numbers of configuration settings profiles, which allows for changing job in under 5 mins.
Intuitive User Interface
Falcon user interface is simple and easy to understand. The software is designed with a touch interface and multiple self-calculate algorithms allowing operator to do sophisticated job with very simple inputs. The software is designed with a modern UI, making it extremely fast for anyone accustomed to a smartphone or tablet.
Xpeedic: CableExpert – Fast and Accurate Cable Modeling and Simulation
Cable assembly is a key building component in network systems. Accurate modeling of cables is becoming a necessity to achieve the desired signal integrity with multi-gigabit data rate. Twin axial cable used for SFP and QSFP interface in 10G / 40G / 100G Ethernet is such an example. Many parameters have significant impact on signal quality such as drain type and shielding pattern, to name a few. Engineers need a fast and accurate way to model and simulate the cable with high confidence in signal integrity.
CableExpert offers a quick way to build 3D models with its built-in templates
Key Features
Lumiplas: Wet Processing equipment
Lumiplas S.L., Spain is one of world’s leading company providing entire range of wet processing systems for the past three decades to customers in Europe. Lumiplas provides patented solutions for wet processing applications, including alkaline etching, acid etching, developing, horizontal metallization process (black hole, shadow, etc), chemical tin process, chemical silver process, film stripper, tin stripper, de-smear, high pressure chemical wash, dryers, etc.
Process: Electrolitic tin process, Electrolitic silver process, etc.
Xpeedic: Heracles - Automated SI Signoff for High Speed Design
Heracles is the first SI signoff tool for high speed designs. It integrates a novel hybrid full-wave EM solver with the same accuracy order as the conventional 3D solver but at a much higher speed. The hybrid solver takes advantage of the layered nature of the PCB layout and adopts the idea of layer-by-layer decomposition to reduce the complexity of the problem and achieve the computation speed optimized for full board crosstalk scan. With automated SI signoff flow, we can achieve the complete full board crosstalk scan in a few hours as intended with using the tool, which significantly reduces the post-layout check time, allows layout optimization, and ensures the full board coverage.
Heracles enables SI engineers to scan the Via pin field and breakout region under connectors or BGA packages for impedance and crosstalk violation. Crosstalk metrics such as frequency domain integrated crosstalk noise (ICN) or time domain waveform TDT are derived from the S-parameter to quantify crosstalk.
Key Features
Kitagawa Seiki: Vacuum Press Systems
Kitagawa Seiki, Japan is a leading supplier of proprietary thermal, pressure, control and other advanced technologies vacuum press to develop and manufacture innovative, high-performance, high-quality PCB and CCL products.
Kitagawa develops and manufactures press-related machinery for a wide range of applications including copper clad laminates, fabrication of printed circuit boards for use in mobile communications, home appliances, car electronics, and satellites. By developing and designing machinery and control systems to meet specific customer needs, we are helping to improve production efficiency.
PCB Pressing Equipment
CCL press Equipment
Vacuum Press for Making PCBs(FPCs) | |
Press Capacity | 104kN ~ 4490kN (11ton~458 ton) |
Effective Area | 720X1260 mm |
Number of openings | 10 or asper the customer spec |
Max usable temp | 260°C |
Heating Method | Thermal oil circulation with Heater |
Strength of vacuum attained | 1.3kPa(10 tar) |
Peripheral equipment | Automated loader (5-unit capacity) and PC |
Prepreg Cutting System
Prepreg Cutting Machine | |
Cutting system | Longitudinal Cutting: Slitting Lateral Cutting: Shearing |
Max PP size | Sheet material: Max. diameter: 550 mm Max. width: 1,270 mm Paper tube: |
Cutting Size | Longitudinal cutting: 300 to 1,270 mm (maximum 4 sections) Lateral cutting: 350 to 2,500 mm (length) |
Max Processing capacity | 30 m/minute (for lateral cutting length of 2,500 mm) |
Yamauchi: Yamauchi Original Mat (YOM) - Cushion Pads for Hot Presses (Only available in India)
Cushion materials are used during heat pressing. However, conventional paper cushioning presented several problems. For example, it could only be used once, and it couldn’t be automatically conveyed because it had to be used in several layers. Top Board, which was the industry’s first single-cushion material and was developed by Yamauchi in 1960, has solved these problems. And now, with the addition of YOM (Yamauchi Original Mat), which exceeds the performance of Top Board, the lineup is even larger. As a leading company for single cushion materials, Yamauchi is meeting the diverse needs of all industries.
YOM (Yamauchi Original Mat) can be re-used hundreds of times at various press machine and lamination machines. In addition to saving costs, environmental friendliness is achieved by reducing waste. It is constructed by glass-fiber cloth and FRR (Fiber Reinforced Rubber) by fluorine rubber with keeping constant pore.
Main Features
ZT Technologies – Kodak: PCB Films and Chemicals (Only available in India)
Kodak films have been developed exclusively for PCB applications using advanced techniques that came directly out of Kodak's century of imaging experience. Twenty-five years ago, Kodak invented the nucleated emulsion technology that has proven so valuable and effective in PCB manufacturing today and they have continued to improve that technology ever since.
APR7 Film uses the latest Integrated Booster Technology (IBT processing) —technology pioneered by Kodak. APR7 Film is specifically designed for PCB phototool creation, and pre-conditioned by Kodak in a clean-room environment to make it "ready to use" right out of the box
AIM7 provides hard, high quality line edges and good dimensional stability. It is Suitable for lines and spaces as small as 1 mil and photoplotter resolution settings as high as 12,000 DPI. It has a fast-developing time and excellent resistance to photo abrasion and physical wear
KODAK Processing Chemicals have been specifically developed and manufactured to meet the most demanding PCB requirements.
KODAK ACCUMAX Rapid Access Developer and Replenisher CAT No. 6620009, has been improved for cleaner-working performance. This high-performance rapid access developer, for use with KODAK ACCUMAX and PRECISION LINE Films, is concentrated and dilutes 1:2 for all applications. Lightweight 5 L plastic bottles are easy to handle for mixing replenisher and filling the processor. Bottles are designed for cleanroom environments used in the PCB applications. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to the highest quality specifications. Bottles are stamped with a 2-year expiration date to ensure consistent quality.
KODAK Rapid Fixer and Replenisher CAT No. 6620017, has been improved for cleaner-working performance. This high-performance rapid access fixer, for use with KODAK ACCUMAX and PRECISION LINE Films, is concentrated and dilutes 1:3 for all applications. Lightweight 5 L plastic bottles are easy to handle for mixing replenisher and filling the processor. Bottles are designed for cleanroom environments used in the PCB applications. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to the highest quality specifications. Bottles are stamped with a 2-year expiration date to ensure consistent quality.